Thursday, March 4, 2010

Art Walk (Things you learn...)

Last night I went to the Art Walk and realized that the world is really smaller than that old saying or song, "It's a small world." Let me explain. First, I met Mark Hubbard over 2 years ago while taking video production courses at FSCJ. Through our friendship, I've met a good deal of his being Super Curtis. Second, about 3 months ago, I met Matt from Burro Bags.

Meeting these two people has probably been the most unique experience ever...and has introduced me a whole new host of friends! Words are too hard to explain...but for example: I'm talking to Crystal that I met earlier this week via a pretty long string of people...she says, "I'll ask my roommate Roy." I say, "Roy who?" She says, "Roy B." I say, "Really...he's your roommate! I asked him already. So you know Hubbard and the crew..." Crystal, "Yes....." Now repeat conversations similar to this...and that sums up last night...and heck, the last month!

Here's a diagram that poorly displays how everyone is connected...and I left a few people out simply b/c my brain can only retain so much info...and I'm sure more of these lines could connect, but then that could cause you to go cross-eyed?

By the's Matthew Abercrombie...not Abercombie???
Innocent bystanders who showed up at 229 Hogan St. And art work by Crystal!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I think I went to HS with Mark?
