Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Briefcase Part 2

First...another big thank you to today's participants - Amanda and Marc...and Wardrobe Stylist - Danielle Dyer...and Jerome and Angel...who helped out...thank you!

This shoot was a part 2 of this shoot.

A few things here:

1. Left the shoot not knowing if I captured what I was going after...and it stressed me out...I suppose this is a good feeling...but I don't like it...I hope this is the last time!
2. Stuck to a plan...wish I could have deviated...but as us photogs say, I'm running out of good light...or as Marc told me...we're chasing the sun...
3. Marc Boese is my professor who got me into photography...pretty cool that he became a participant...another full circle connection...
4. I sold my 17-50mm lens...hence I can't get super wide...hence, Angel let me use her Nikon D700 for the "jumping over me" shots...bad I want to go full frame...
5. I want Profoto lights too...I hear they're good for action photography...
6. I think I'm done with running shots now...but I'm still wanting to do a BMX freestyle shoot...and breakdancers...hit me up, if you're out there!


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